Cyanomys’ Guide To Playing RPGs Online v2.1.0

Hey everyone. Just letting you know that I’m going to open up this guide to whoever wants to take ownership and bring it up to date, put it on a wiki, etc. I’m willing to be involved with this project in an auxiliary role but I just can’t be the sole executor anymore, I do not have the time or expertise to move it somewhere less shitty than this. Not to mention, I just don’t play D&D anymore, which many VTTs are aimed at (I have sold my soul to Fate) so this feels much less personally relevant to me. Discord me at Cyanomys#0001 if you would like access to this document for the purposes of moving it (I have a less slow copy). You can also reddit DM me at cyanomys or email me at [email protected], tho I check those much less frequently. (Cyanomys, Mar 31, 2021)

Also I requested a miraheze domain if anyone wants to work with that:

Hey guys I’m not dead! I just graduated with my BS in Psychology and I have nothing but time.  This document is too slow to continue to edit so I’m going to move it to github, I think. Once I get it moved to a new platform I plan to designate some more editors besides myself so we can keep this more up to date. I’ll update here when it’s done! (Cyanomys, Jan 11, 2021)


Welcome to the new version of “Comparison of Alternatives to Roll20”!  As of April 12, 2020 I have renamed the document and completely revamped it in response to the new surge in VTT usage due to COVID-19.  In response to great demand I am now including Roll20 in this list.  Also, I’ve moved this from Google Docs to Dropbox Paper, which is better suited to very large documents and allows people to comment without being able to accidentally add suggestions.

Please share the document with as many people as you can.  I did all this work because I know people need the resources right now and I want to help as many people as I can to continue to play games together during this dark time.

Follow Updates

This is a work in progress, so I will be maintaining a changelog at the end. If you want to be notified of changes, you can  sign up for the email list here, or if you are signed into dropbox, click the three dots menu in the top right, and select “Follow” (though be prepared for the latter method to send you a bunch of emails when I make changes or comments.)


Here’s what all the symbols, ratings, etc mean.


If you’re new to this and need help with all the jargon, go here.


If you have feedback about any of the information presented here or want to add something, please contact me. If anyone is interested in helping administrate this document, contact me.

Actually, before you contact me asking for me to add a feature, do a ctrl-F on this document and search for it by name. It might already be on here.

Discord: cyanomys#0001

Reddit: /u/cyanomys

Email: [email protected]

Dropbox Paper Tips:

Quick Start

If you want to jump straight to the whole guide, just click the little arrow next to this section’s title to collapse it.