
At the top of each of the big VTTs you will see a table like this. I’ve tried to explain my reasons behind each item to primarily keep ME consistent. Honestly a lot of this is going to be educated guesses.

Basic Requirements Good Aspects (Higher is Better) Bad Aspects (Lower is Better)
Platform: . . . . . . Game Support: [ ]( [ ]( [
Up Front Cost: Free to πŸ’°πŸ’° Community: 🟒🟒🟒βšͺβšͺ Tedium: πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄βšͺβšͺ
Ongoing Cost: Free to πŸ’°πŸ’° Features: 🟒🟒🟒βšͺβšͺ
Cost of Books: N/A to πŸ’°πŸ’° User Interface: 🟒🟒🟒βšͺβšͺ

Platform: The operating system or browser required to run the VTT.

. Chrome

. Firefox

. Windows

. Apple

. Linux

. Mobile

Up Front Cost: A rating of how much the VTT costs on day 1 to be able to DM a quality game. Either a flat purchase, or a special getting started deal. πŸ’° - $1 to $45 πŸ’°πŸ’° - $45 to 95 πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° - More

Ongoing Cost: A rating of how much the VTT costs yearly. πŸ’° - $25 or less yearly πŸ’°πŸ’°- $90 or less yearly πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° - More

Cost of Books: A rating of how much a standard book costs including potential sales and sales frequency. (sometimes this category is changed to match what is offered in the VTT besides books) N/A - cost can be avoided entirely πŸ’° - books are always on sale or at cost in rotation πŸ’°πŸ’°- books are on sale for holidays and seasonal sales πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° - books generally don’t go on sale

Game Support: A few of the most popular games the system supports. The word game support is a link that will take you to a complete list of supported games.

| Wizards of the Coast - Dungeons and Dragons

| Paizo - Pathfinder and Starfinder

| Chaosium - Call of Cthulu

| 13th Age - Pendragon

| Cubicle 7 - warhammer fantasy roleplay adventure, sin, middle earth, age of sigmar

| Warhammer

| Savage Worlds - deadlands

| Shadowrun

| Generic

The colored dots are 5 star ratings. Grey circles are missing β€œdots”. So this would be a 3 out of 5 rating: 🟒🟒🟒βšͺβšͺ

Here’s what each label represents:

Community: This sums up the size, friendliness, and helpfulness of the community surrounding the VTT.

Features: A general rating of how many features the VTT has, as well as how well they are implemented. See below the table for a complete list of features.

User Interface: How user-friendly, intuitive, and pleasant is the program to use?

Complexity: How complex is the program? This affects learning and also the speed of use during games.